Telling a candidate ‘I love you’ and other blunders

What’s your biggest miscommunication blunder? Can it beat accidentally telling a candidate that you love them at interview?

This is just one of the UK’s biggest communication frustration compiled by audio video and web conferencing firm 247meeting.

Some of the howlers that could connect to the world of recruitment include:

  • Confirming to my boss I wasn’t ill but at a job interview, instead of sending that news to my best mate
  • I said, “Love you too” in an interview. I meant to say “Lovely to meet you” but added the “you too” because my interviewer said the same thing at the same time (lovely to meet you!)
  • Emailed a client “Please don’t get in touch if you have any questions”
  • I sent my CV to my manager when I was looking for another job.

As part of its research, 247meeting collaborated with comedian Robin Morgan and filmed his reactions to some of these blunders, which can be viewed here.

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