Soundbites: January/February 2022


“With all the uncertainty surrounding new Covid variants, what would your advice be to recruiters for the year ahead?”

Max Horton

Senior manager – commerce & industry, Oakleaf Partnership

“Ensuring we continue to build relationships and truly consult with clients will be key. Gone are the days of just sending four carbon copy CVs and expecting four interview requests to bounce back. Take the time to truly understand your clients’ businesses, provide value market analysis and then contribute creative solutions to fit their needs. What about part-time options? Would an interim solution with a specific skill set ease the immediate difficulty? This level of consultation demands true relationship building. But by providing a better and more complete service, we will all be able to meet the upcoming uncertainty head on.”

John Laycock

Managing partner, Anderson Quigley

“At the beginning of the pandemic, there was considerable uncertainty about the future. My advice to all recruiters would be to continue to build a degree of ambiguity into preparations for the year ahead. Help your clients prepare for the unknown so they can be flexible in their strategy. The pandemic has also caused a lot of people to make significant life changes and seek new opportunities, and this trend should continue in 2022. The candidate pool across various sectors has broadened significantly as a result of the Great Resignation, and we should all be looking closely at how our clients might benefit.”

Steve Pikett

Director, global sales operations, Orama Solutions

“Recruitment is a challenging industry and will always carry a level of uncertainty, my advice to any recruiter in good or bad times is to ‘trust in the process that you have been taught’ and ‘focus on what you are good at’. With changing situations you may need to adapt and be agile to different ways of working but if you are obsessive in perfecting your craft, show a high level of integrity and are truly passionate about what you do, then with uncertainty comes a huge amount of opportunity!”

Image Credit | Shutterstock | Annie Armitage

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