IRP June 2018: Day in the Life

Kieran Wilson, senior consultant, Redline Group
My typical day
I wouldn’t use the word typical as things can change quickly on the contracts desk. I always ensure I have a plan in place from the night before as to what I am looking to achieve the following day. However, things do drop in, which can take priority and which means things can move very quickly.
The best part of my job... changing someone’s life. A person’s career is a huge part of their life. It is where they spend most of their time and it is what provides for themselves and their families. I love that I can help people love their jobs. Whether it is helping someone take the first steps in a new contract role, or enhancing their existing career, it has a massive impact on their life – and the best part is, I helped to make it happen!
My most memorable work moment
Was my first placement. Every placement is important and it makes you feel good, but it is the first placement I will always remember. From initially submitting the candidate to feeling incredibly nervous when delivering the offer – hoping I had done enough throughout the process to close the offer. And it was a success!
I love recruitment because...
As recruitment is a sale-orientated role that requires great communication, focus, determination and passion to succeed, you must work hard. The ‘work hard, play hard’ mantra is never truer than when describing what we do. With numerous incentives, rewards, events, along with a strong bond with my team and the organisation, I undoubtedly play just as hard as I work. Recruitment can also be very lucrative, and I love to make money! As frank as it sounds, recruitment is a money-oriented business with targets and commission to reward those who are successful.